Business Continuity Consultants, Inc.
Click to visit the Vocational Shrink
Your Employees May Look Like This

Over 50%* of your people are poorly engaged at work—And it’s costing you a bundle!

Our solutions will reduce your costs by as much as 50% and increase your ROI up to 23x...turning
recognition expenses into profits!

We’ve defined three key steps to understanding your company’s employee engagement:

#1 The What

is addressed by my new book The Vocational Shrink -

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#2 The Why

is covered in the workshops How To Get Twice The...

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#3 The How

is developed by our team of top service providers ...

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Why Schaefer Recognition Group?

Learn how you can optimize your most important asset - people!

* Gallup research shows this figure at 50% to 60%, and that’s conservative!




#1 The What

THE WHAT is addressed by my new book The Vocational Shrink – an Analysis of the Ten Levels of Workplace Disillusionment and companion piece The Vocational Shrink – The Game.

#2 The Why | Why Schaefer Recognition Group?

Person pic 1



“Where was this guy during my earlier career? This illuminating view through your employee’s eyes will certainly open yours AND you will experience a substantial increase in morale, communication and revenue!”


#2 The Why

THE WHY is covered in the workshops How To Get Twice the Productivity Out of Your Employees – and They’ll Thank You For It! (which qualifies for one hour of PHR and SPHR recertification credit) and our manager training component Why Should Supervisors Care (or what they’re really thinking) – What’s in it for Me?

#3 The How | Why Schaefer Recognition Group?




#3 The How

THE HOW is developed by our team of top service providers, craftsmen, artists and manufacturers. Your Umbrella Recognition Solution may include:

Service Awards
Performance Improvement
Retirement Programs
Proprietary Awards
Custom Plaques
Historical Art Montage
Spot Awards
Safety Programs
Sales Awards
Jewelry and Rings
Incentive Travel
Peer to Peer
Manager to Peer
Employee of the Month
Employee of the Quarter
Holiday Gifts

Why Schaefer Recognition Group?

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